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Partner with a Financial Advisor Early

Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on 8/4/2021

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Many misconceptions come with the term “financial advisor.” For many, partnering with a financial advisor is something you do later in life as you approach retirement. Others may assume they cannot afford one, or they don’t have enough funds saved to justify their services. Before you put off working with a financial advisor, you must understand how their services can impact your financial future.

While financial advisors do help you manage your investments, their services stretch far beyond the stock market. From creating retirement plans and mitigating risk to buying your first home and sending your children to college, these individuals can help you plan for all life’s milestones. 

Partnering with a trusted financial advisor, like our partners at GreenPath Financial Wellness, is something everyone should consider – the sooner in life, the better.

A Long-Term Strategy

Planning for retirement is a long-term game that usually takes a minimum of 30 years of active saving and investing to set yourself up for success. However, other financial milestones in life also come into play. A financial advisor can provide you with a long-term strategy that factors in how your financial situation will change when you decide to:

Managing Risk

Investments in the stock market and real estate often produce greater returns than traditional savings accounts. However, they are also risk-based, meaning you could lose some or all of your money. With a greater understanding of the economy and investment options, a financial advisor will actively work with you to limit your risk exposure.   

Diversified Investing

Investing requires an “open-minded” approach. Many people think they can dump all of their money into a few popular stocks and make a quick buck; however, this often spells doom as the economy is known to fluctuate rather quickly. 

A financial advisor will review your savings plan and help diversify your investments to avoid the negative effects of sudden market changes or corrections. The economy is constantly changing, and your investment portfolios should, too, in order to avoid unnecessary risk or losses. 

Tax Strategies

One of the most significant components overlooked in retirement planning is taxes. How will changes in the tax laws down the road affect your retirement plan? Are there other investment opportunities that you can participate in now to avoid paying higher taxes in retirement? 

A financial advisor can help you limit your tax liability later in life by incorporating tax-advantaged accounts and investment opportunities into your plan now. As new tax laws are created, you can have peace of mind knowing you have someone researching and adjusting your savings plan to put these changes in your favor.

Inflation Planning

Inflation is one thing that is impossible to avoid. $1 today will not hold the same value as $1, twenty years from now. A financial advisor can use advanced software to provide you with simulations on how your money and its value will change over time. 

You want to ensure your money is tied to investments that will grow at a similar pace as inflation, or you risk losing money in the long term. A financial advisor will help you adjust your investment portfolios to match these economic trends.


A financial advisor is more than simply a “middle-man” for your money. Through advanced software and knowledge of the markets, they can help you plan not only for retirement but all life’s milestones in between. That’s why it’s so important to begin working with an advisor early in life. 

Finding a financial advisor you trust is imperative, as they essentially can hold your future in their hands. It’s important to perform due diligence when seeking out the help of a financial advisor, ask questions, and voice any concerns. The investments you make today determine your ability to retire tomorrow.

If you’re ready to partner with one of our financial advisors or would like to explore other savings options with the credit union, we’re prepared to help. Please stop by any of our convenient branch locations or give us a call to get started today.


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