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Beware of IRS Scams

Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on 3/30/2016

Hacker in front of computer
That’s right, they’re back!  Scammers are using tax time to take advantage of the unwary. So let’s take a look at the “new and improved" 2016 lineup of IRS scams  

Much like the newest vehicle line-up at the auto show or yet another iteration of the Madden video game, all of the hype is disappointing because this year’s models look so much like last year’s.  What happened to innovation?

So let’s take a look at the “new and improved’ 2016 lineup of IRS scams.  Of course, it is important to remember that innovation can happen at any time, so just because something is on the list below, it does not mean it is not a scam.  

If you have any suspicion you’re dealing with a scam, hang up, call the IRS or send an email to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Caution is your best approach.


Up first is one of the oldest scams in the IRS scam lineup.  

Don’t ever assume you have to pay anyone right away just because they called you and demanded payment.


One newer variation of the telephone scam is an email version carrying the same threat but asking for much less money.  This is a traditional phishing scam in which scammers ask for a modest sum that’s payable online.

Their hope is that you’ll see a small amount, compare it to the terrible consequences they are threatening, and pay to make it go away.  

Unfortunately, though, you will not be entering your financial info on a secure site that’s provided by the IRS.

You’ll be entering your info on a dummy site that’s set up by scammers to grab your credit card or checking account information.

They will, in turn, use that info to rack up all sorts of fraudulent charges.  As a rule of thumb, never follow the link in an email to a site where you may be asked to enter financial information.  

If you have an email from the IRS, see if you can find your account by going directly to the IRS website.  The same is true for eBay, Amazon, and other retailers that scammers love to impersonate.  Yes, it’s easier to follow a link than it is to find the right page on your own, but scammers are counting on that.  


In this scam, the goal is the same as the variation described above. Instead of impersonating the IRS, they are impersonating a tax preparer.  

The scammer will likely have some authentic-looking credentials.  They’re fake.  They will assure you everything’s okay but you need to update your info on the IRS’ e-file page.  The problem is, the link in the email doesn’t take you to the IRS’ page. It takes you to … you guessed it, a dummy page that looks like an IRS page but actually captures the financial information you enter.

Don’t be a victim.  

It’s tax time, the time of year where we get a national math test, and math tests are stressful for everyone.  Scammers know that, and they prey on it.  Don’t be a victim.

If you suspect you’ve been the victim of identity theft, let us know.  The sooner we know, the more protection we can offer.  Also, file a complaint with the FTC and alert one of the major credit bureaus. 


Download the ID Theft for Taxpayers Tip Sheet for more information and resources on ID Theft during Tax Time.




© Genisys Credit Union and, 2016.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Genisys Credit Union and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content

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