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Forgotten Harvest Farms Volunteer Picks Kale(Fenton), MI. – Aug. 16, 2018 –  Genisys Credit Union’s sponsored acre of kale is doing well and has been harvested three times this year. This is the second year that Genisys has partnered with Forgotten Harvest Farms to grow kale that will be distributed to Flint area residents by the Eastern Michigan Food Bank.

“Genisys is committed to improving our communities,” said Jackie Buchanan, President/CEO. “Our hope is, that by providing this nutrient rich vegetable it may have a positive impact on those affected by the lead exposure from the water crisis.

It is estimated that 1 in 8 Americans are “food insecure,” which means they lack consistent access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. Food insecurity can impact every community and those that are food insecure may see chronic health concerns due to the lack of available healthy alternatives. Forgotten Harvest Farms has made it its mission to see that families in need have the benefit of fresh, healthy foods that are too often unavailable or unaffordable to them.

Forgotten Harvest Farms is located in Fenton and has been growing and harvesting produce since 2013 when the land was donated by the Moroun family. Last summer the farm grew over 840,000 pounds of vegetables including kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage and others. The produce grown goes to food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, children’s homes, senior centers and group homes in metro Detroit.

Genisys is dedicated to making a difference in their communities.  In 2017, they sponsored nearly 900 events with employees, family and friends volunteering more than 4,000 community service hours and are on track to continue that level of community involvement in 2018.

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